Ingenuity Coaching begins with the systematic process of collecting and crafting your personal narrative: a compelling story that communicates a genuine sense of your identity. It is a realistic portrayal of both who you are now as well as who you have been in the past, and a powerful way to imagine who you have the desire and potential to become. A personal narrative opens your path to an examined life that is worth living. Ingenuity Coaching takes you down that path and into living the life your story illuminates.A personal narrative opens your path to an examined life that is worth living. Ingenuity Coaching takes you down that path and into living the life your story illuminates. Relying on, trusting your personal narrative to generate options, set goals, make decisions, and respond to unforeseen occurrences are just some of the benefits gained from Ingenuity Coaching.

Life often brings big changes. When and how do you change your story? This is where the additional benefits of Ingenuity Coaching appear. Working with a coach helps you recognize and respond to those changes that can be appropriately addressed by attending more closely to your personal narrative (even if it is difficult or challenging, your own story provides direction for what to do). Even more importantly, it helps you discern those other kind of changes that call the course of your personal narrative into question. Twists of fate, unforeseeable events, good luck or trouble enter into your story and force you to reflect on who you are and what your life is about. Whatever is called for, whether new dreams or renewed commitments, Ingenuity Coaching assists in crafting the next chapters in a personal narrative that serve an identity of which you can be proud and a life that has meaning.

Ingenuity Coaching can be a short-term collaboration or an ongoing relationship. In either case, my role as coach is to engage you in focused conversations directed toward cultivating the skillful use of your personal narrative. As distinct from the amelioration of symptomatic suffering performed in psychotherapy, Ingenuity Coaching enhances your identity and focuses your engagement with life.